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Free Marketing Check-in

Is marketing the first thing you drop when overwhelmed?
Are you puzzled by the effort it takes & the lack of results?

What if I told you to forget everything.

Everything you know about marketing.
Everything you think is marketing.

And instead, show up being nobody but you.
To bring your full humanity into marketing.
To market being human – with feelings – to human beings.

What would that look like?
And how does that feel? 

By saying goodbye to “marketing”, you’ll create the “Awe” and “Air” that will radically change how you market your business: 

  • To be seen in the places your customers love to hang out.
  • Without any compromises to your nervous system.
  • To become financially viable.
  • To build resilience so your business can thrive.

Marketing as a human is simple yet weirdly hard at the same time.

Good news.

You won’t have to do this alone.

Let’s navigate this together on a 30-minute Zoom call.
I’ll provide you with some tips that enable you to move forward right away. 
Free of charge.

Book your free marketing check-in by clicking on the button below. 

See you soon!  

Cultivating value for impact, results and meaningful change

What happens when you market as a human?

Ideal Customer

You attract the customers that you really want to work with.


You grow confident in creating and expressing yourself authentically.


You grow purposeful in content creation with valuable results and meaningful change for those you serve.


You build resilience by focusing on the present, rather than on a desired future.

Be and see

By being the impact you wish to see, you create the impact you embody.


Your business pays you what you want.


  • Plan a call in my online diary (easiest)
  • Or call me directly on +27 79 256 1595 (a bit of a long shot)
  • Or email me on mirjam@mirjamchristinehope.com 

Join the Marketing Experiment

When marketing your business feels stressful, hard & mysterious.

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