Expanding BEYOND your Edges
into the Unknown.
When you’ve come to the EDGE of your MAP.
Change is in the air; you can feel it.
We are living in times described as “a time between worlds“.
As bigger transitions unfold around us, you may also be sensing it is time to step into something different.
- You’re increasingly feeling like your life/work no longer “fits”.
- The business or career you’ve built over the years is draining you and no longer aligned with your values.
- Perhaps you’ve received wisdom from a course, deep meditation practice or plant medicine journey, and you have no idea how to integrate it into your life.
Here at the mysterious meeting place of the Known and Unknown, you can either …
- Stay stuck where you are
- Wander aimlessly
- Find a new way to navigate
If you continue to let your mind dictate your reality, you’ll stay in the perceived safety of the Known or wander around in circles.
“… anything or anyone that does not bring you alive is too small for you.” – David Whyte.
We know.
We’ve been there.
In this Somatic WaysFinding Journey, you will courageously step into the Unknown by going beyond the mind to find a new way to navigate life. You will learn to:
- ACKNOWLEDGE the reality of your current discomfort AND the potential in your NOW.
- Discover the NEXT that brings you alive.
- Start MOVING, senses AWAKE and no longer estranged from direct, lived experience.
What's holding you back
Our guess is there’s a part of you that KNOWS that this IS your time, and wants to take action.
And there’s another part of you that wants to play it SAFE…
Two things might stand in the way of accepting our invitation.
We know, because again, we’ve been there …
- When you’re in the thick of things, in the messiness of transition, it can feel overwhelming. You might think there is no way you can make time for this. The irony is that now, while you are in the dark, misty cocoon, you need a searchlight the most.
- You may resonate with the message, but it just sounds too “woo woo”. Words like somatic (leading with the body in mind, rather than just the mind), intuition, and sacred sound too fluffy to be useful. And yet, modern sciences like epigenetics, quantum physics and neuroscience are catching up with what many ancient wisdom traditions have always known. There is wisdom in our bodies; our intuitive minds are powerful, and the sacred is what sets us apart from machines.
Let us reassure you.
This journey is NOT deep shadow work.
It’s a soft & slow holding space to uncover your NEXT.
It’s about giving your intuitive mind the space and time to partner with your rational mind.
Plus, as former corporates & “heady” people we’ve often been told that “woo woo” is out of our league…
If you’re still on the fence, have a small taste here.
What is the WaysFinder framework?
The WaysFinder framework is a practical compass that helps you befriend the unknown and navigate the mushy middle part of life’s transitions.
It’s deeply rooted in various theories and practices, including complexity theory, anthropology, and mindfulness.
At first glance, it is a deceptively simple framework, but this simplicity is what makes it impactful. We liken it to switching on a powerful searchlight that can help you to:
- orient yourself, i.e. get a better sense of where you are.
- decide and acknowledge where you can’t or don’t want to go.
- set a direction that feels alive and generative.
- identify adjacent possibilities or next steps you can safely take.
Just like the famed butterfly effect requires movement (the flapping of the butterfly’s wings), impact requires us to move – even if we take small steps.
The framework is designed to keep you in continuous movement through small experimental actions, helping you create momentum and expansion: taking flight.
It is used for individual waysfinding and collective wayfinding in teams or corporates.
Since life is made up of transitions, and every transition opens up new, unexplored horizons and edges, you will use these Wayfinding skills drawn from the wisdom of wayfinding traditions like the Polynesians, Khoi San and Inuit over and over again.

A training like no other. Here's why:
Learn the skills & scaffolding to FIND - and keep finding - YOUR OWN WAY.
Our “pitch” is not to sell you a pre-determined path.
Every path is unique.
But we’ve navigated enough transitions with the skills & scaffolding to have experienced more choices for how you craft, experience, and impact reality.
What we offer is:
- A simple framework to create a scaffold for your journey.
- Practices to clarify the direction to your NEXT to find your way.
- The skills you need to navigate the journey, and,
- A supportive community of fellow WaysFinders to support and cheer you on. You are not alone in this.
The outcomes from this journey include:
- Feeling less stuck and learning how to shift from overthinking into your intuitive mind and the wisdom of your body.
- Feeling more grounded and having a better sense of where you are.
- Know how to discover and set a direction that feels alive.
- Know where you don’t want to go.
- Feeling safe and empowered to find and explore adjacent possibilities.
- Flowing more naturally with change and harnessing the potential in the unknown.
- Maintaining momentum without knowing the outcome.
- Moving from making sense to making an impact.
- Experiencing joy, awe and wonder in the process.
In short, the ability to navigate any situation with “alertness of mind; wakefulness of the heart; attuned in the spirit, grounded in the belly” like the Wayfinders of old*.
Our somatic approach will ensure you can learn the skills to anchor into your body anytime and regulate your nervous system responses to the messy unknown.
In the 6-week journey you will learn how to:
- Scaffold your journey with the Waysfinder framework.
- Cultivate presence. Learn to see the future in the present moment and move from a place of stillness, not reactivity.
- Reframe your relationship with the unknown and transition. Shift from resistance into flow.
- Tap into Sphere Intelligence – expand your repertoire beyond the mind into the wisdom of your body.
- Reconnect with desire and possibility.
- Rediscover your agency and options.
- Play at the edges and expand your horizon.
- Cultivate momentum through a habit of action, exploration & experimentation.
- Navigate Cycles of Expansion and celebrate who you are becoming (not only arrival).
This is for you if
- You know something new is calling you, and you can’t stay where you are.
- You’re tired of pushing against the status quo. Maybe even bored.
- You want to develop the skills and senses to follow the emergent unfolding of your NEXT.
- You want to move from making sense to making a BIG impact.
- You want to create choices that weren’t there before.
- You’re curious, eager, AND a little scared and ready to explore what this new “being” looks, feels and sounds like.
- You want to learn how to tap into intuition and other sources of wisdom beyond the mind.
- You don’t want to do it alone. You seek guidance and inspiration from others who have faced and potentially overcome similar challenges.
- You have sought expert advice or had consciousness expanding experiences in the past but haven’t found a way to practice & integrate what you’ve learned
- You want a life that is aligned with your soul values, honours your unique expression, AND serves something greater.
- You want to keep stretching into the unknown and expand your horizon with new frameworks and skills.
- You want to rekindle the joy of learning new things.
- You want to rediscover the enchantment, awe, mystery and sacredness of being alive.
Your WaysFinding guides

Sonja Blignaut
Sonja Blignaut helps individuals and organizations thrive in uncertainty, making complexity thinking accessible. Her WaysFinder framework is designed to help individuals and teams navigate life’s transitions and uncertainties.
Sonja is the founder of More Beyond and a globally sought-after teacher and speaker who has worked with many well-known corporate brands around the world.
For a deeper understanding of Sonja’s work and its impact, we invite you to explore more about her here.

Mirjam van Vliet
Mirjam van Vliet is an experienced marketer & entrepreneur who helps positive impact organisations, coaches and facilitators create meaningful impact to thrive in uncertainty. She started her career at Microsoft as an external consultant and moved to South Africa in 2008.
With 15+ years of experience she combines traditional marketing methods with improv, embodiment & mindfulness practices. She has the ability to flow ideas into execution almost seamlessly.
Mirjam combines her extensive marketing knowledge with a real passion for all things human. You can read more about her work here
Content structure
Switching on the searchlight.
Map all the current transitions you’re in and explore which transition(s) wants to be worked with & what you’re ready to let go off.
Shaping your WaysFinding field.
Discover the frame and scaffolding of the WaysFinder framework and why constraints are important in new territory, enabling us to move even when your direction is unknown.
Reframing resistance to shift into flow.
Resisting what is and what wants to happen keeps us stuck. When we soften and let go, we can become part of the flow towards the future.
Tapping into Sphere Intelligence.
Access more ways of knowing beyond the rational and cognitive. Cultivate ‘beginners’ eyes, imagination, intuition and bodily awareness.
Expanding your Frontier.
Learn how to work your edges and stretch into the unknown.
Navigating Cycles of Expansion.
How to stop “reaching for the end” and celebrate small steps.
The nuts & bolts
- Exclusive written, audio & video learning content shared weekly (6 total)
- Weekly live 90-min sessions on Zoom with Sonja & Mirjam (all calls recorded + replays available)
- Kickoff & Live Call 1: Thursday 31 October 3 pm CEST.
- Live Call 2: Thursday 7 November 3 pm CEST.
- Live Call 3: Thursday 14 November 3 pm CEST.
- Live Call 4: Thursday 21 November 3 pm CEST.
- Live Call 5: Thursday 28 November 3 pm CEST.
- Live Call 6: Thursday 5 December 3 pm CEST.
- Access to a private group for the length of the live program .
- Access to an exclusive membership-based alumni community.
Can’t make these dates? Join the waiting list to stay informed about our next ones.
Access a free taster & bonus
On Tuesday 23 July we guided 20+ people through a Somatic WaysFinding Taster.
The taster includes a full somatic movement practice & guided deep dive meditation.
In 75-minute we’ll guide you to:
- Tap into the wisdom of your body to orient yourself & lean into what’s available now.
- Safely discover and explore the direction you feel drawn towards.
- Feel the potentiality of the present.
- Explore potential first steps.
We recommend that you find a private place where:
- You have some space to move around and,
- The ability to sit or lay down (whatever you prefer) during the guided meditation
We’ve also put together a WaysFinding Bonus (PDF) to help you navigate your way through the messy unknown. It includes:
- A poem to inspire your first steps.
- A brief introduction to the Waysfinder Framework.
- Guiding questions for three aspects of the framework: Orientation, Setting Direction and First Steps.
- A bonus introduction to the next aspect of the framework: Guardrails
- A bonus home practice “Glimmers”.
What's not in the bonus
To complete your WaysFinder, there are a few more steps:
- The deeper and more nuanced explanation of guardrails. Why they are there, how they work and the difference between the two types of guardrails.
- Identifying the resources we need for the journey.
- Creating feedback loops to remain adaptive to our environment and coherent with our direction.
That’s where our 6-week journey will start. You’ll be “creating your full WaysFinder” to map your bounded option field so that you can safely explore your next step(s).
Frequently asked questions
I’m very busy right now. How will I make time to benefit from the 6-week course?
Life is busy. We’ve designed the course in a way that you can simply plug in & plug out. Our training content will come in bit-size and various formats (e.g. video, audio, reading material) to allow for an easy and flexible learning experience.
You’ll gain access to each week’s training content 5-7 days in advance, to allow you enough time to go through it.
Going through the training content is not mandatory, but is recommended to enrich your experience.
What is the focus of the live calls?
The focus of the live calls is on the practice of “waysfinding”.
Each call will start off with a frame that links the weekly training material to the topic we’re discussing. Each call will include a somatic & embodiment practice to get out of our “heads” and into our bodies. There will be lots of space for questions, reflections & mutual learnings.
How much time should I put aside for the course?
To get the most out of the course, you will need to allocate around 3-4 hours each week for the 6 weeks.
This includes the weekly live session (90 min) and POD call (60 min).
How will I access the course?
Once you’ve enrolled, you will be emailed access to our Waysfinder space hosted in a private online hub. From there, you will be able to access all course material and calls.
What is a POD?
Apart from a weekly live session with Sonja & Mirjam, you’ll work in small groups (=POD) with participants from around the world to give and receive support. They’re self-organising and a great addition to your learning experience.
How interactive is it?
As much as you want it to be! Apart from the weekly live sessions, you’ll take part in a self-organising POD that meets weekly. You’ll also gain access to a private space where you can ask, share questions and pick our brain.
I can’t make the dates offered!
Not too worry. Indicate your interest here and automatically get added to the Waiting List to stay informed about our next ones.