What’s Calling Your Attention Today?
The thing beyond your to-do-list.
Invisible yet palpable.
Informing the what, why and how of this week.
It’s presence felt only in your pauses.
Perhaps muttered under your breath.
No words.
No sentences…yet.
A deep knowing instead.
Hello, I’m Mirjam👋
I help positive impact entrepreneurs practice marketing that’s aligned with their whole being.
If you want to get a small taste of this, join Human Club Tuesdays from 10:00 – 11: 15 am CET.
Human Club is your new support system and creative space online where you get to work on your own marketing collectively, with fellow human beings.
It’s the shift that changes how you market your business.
So you no longer experience marketing as selling, but spreading the love for the work you do.
Simple and real.
Click on the button 👇 to receive your Zoom link for your free session directly in your inbox.
*Pictured: my children Ayla & Xavier Leslie
What’s calling their attention?
Cultivating value for impact, results and meaningful change
What happens when you market as a human?
Ideal Customer
You attract the customers that you really want to work with.
You grow confident in creating and expressing yourself authentically.
You grow purposeful in content creation with valuable results and meaningful change for those you serve
You build resilience by focusing on the present, rather than on a desired future.
Be and see
By being the impact you wish to see, you create the impact you embody.
Your business pays you what you want.
- Plan a call in my online diary (easiest)
- Or contact me directly on +27 79 256 1595 (a bit of a long shot)
- Or email me on mirjam@mirjamchristinehope.com