Let me tell you something about the human behind this site.
By showing my humanity.
Hello, I'm Mirjam.
I’m the human behind this site.
I’m a Dutchie in Cape Town who’s lived abroad for over half of my life.
Running small to medium sized businesses since 2010.
With a big ❤️ for writing and singing.
I care deeply about aligning your brilliance to your business, its deeper resonance, and the lasting impact you wish to create.
If something feels off in your business or how you’re showing up, connect with me in a way that feels good to you – I’d love to meet you.
Weirdly Hard
Marketing as a human is simple yet weirdly hard at the same time
It’s not something that’s ever truly finished.
It’s not a checklist or something that can be “achieved.”
It’s about amplifying what’s already alive in your business – attracting hose who need what you offer, exactly when they need it.
This is resonance.
I’ll show you how to align your brand’s energy, amplify your value, and create a magnetic connection with the people who are ready to say YES, so you no longer have to “sell.”
Not through formulaic tactics or surface-level marketing tricks, but through brand and growth strategies that resonate and amplify.
A creative, improvisational approach that leaves space for awe, experimentation, and the real energy behind what you do.
It’s the path to:
- Create offers that are truly needed, not just assumed to be wanted
- Build a business that’s grounded in deep resonance and sustainable growth
- Open up opportunities that weren’t there before
- Reach more people and have a deeper impact
- Experience more meaning in your business and your life
I didn’t start out viewing marketing this way.
My perspective shifted gradually, over time, in the most surprising ways.
Let me tell you how.
My Story
I love singing…
…and yet I didn’t sing for 20 years.
One day, not so long ago, I started singing again. Not just in the shower or on my way to work. Weekly 1:1 singing classes. Plus, I joined an improv singing group.
It’s impossible to single out one event that explains how I got there.
There are many reasons, entangled and in constant motion.
I could sense some, but not others.
Some made sense, others didn’t.
What Followed: The Tiniest Shift.
It wasn’t a grandiose “Aha moment”. Rather a very gradual process of becoming aware of something that I had been completely unaware of.
Something that made me transition from singing as a performance or something I was actively doing into being present, in the moment, in fact an un-doing and not-doing.
Something that I felt so deeply throughout my body. A way of expressing myself that made me wonder how I had ever been able to express or make sense of anything before.
Yet at the same time, I struggled to make sense of it.
I felt confused, overwhelmed yet excited all at once.
Singing transformed into a sensory experience, an embodied, lived experience.
I started noticing things that I hadn’t paid attention to before.
A seeing of things unseen.
It shifted how I looked at my relationships, how I parent, how I love, how I see myself (“where is the edge of me”?).
It also made me look at my work, and marketing specifically, in a new light.
Why is marketing often seen as:
- Heavy, time-consuming and uncomfortable?
- Disconnected and separate from the rest of a business?
- Unnatural and pushy?
It dawned on me that more often than not, we “perform” growth or brand strategy based on outdated, corporate-driven tactics..
Just as I had been performing singing.
An active doing that led to a not-doing for 20 years.
I asked myself, what does marketing feel like to me?
How does marketing relate to me?
What does marketing look like to me?
The answer that popped up: human.
This Insight Was Built On Previous Experience:
I started off as a consultant for Microsoft, then navigated a growing business from my mid-twenties. Under the wing of two amazing humans, Chris Dils and Ansgar Holtmann, I got to try everything. From sales, customer service, marketing, supply chain to finance. They guided me, slowed me down when needed and created the conditions where I, and my colleagues, thrived.
I continued to work with them for over a decade before taking the leap as a freelance Marketer and Copywriter, in 2018. My work ranged from launching new products, optimizing websites and trying to make sense of the why, what and how of fit-for-customer content. My clients were predominantly in eCommerce and startups.
I noticed that marketing is mostly separate from the rest of the business.
At times an afterthought.
Other times a hyper focus.
Lots of doing with little actual sense-making.
It left me confused, overwhelmed and excited all at once.
My go-to tools – planning, strategy and data – created a false sense of security and clarity in an increasingly complex, challenging and uncertain world.
Bringing your full humanity to marketing enables you to make sense of where you are now, in the present. It avoids focusing on a desired future that leaves you to bridge the gap.
Plus, by embracing the confusion, messiness, overwhelm and excitement, you create space and movement for things to emerge for yourself and your business.
I Could Never Do This Without
Want to know more about the fellow humans that enable me to show up like myself everyday? Meet them here.