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Waysfinding Searchlight

Week 1: Switching on the searchlight.

Call details:

In preparation for this first call, we’d like you to reflect on what’s in your NOW.

Here are some guiding questions:

  • What are some of the current transitions that you’re in?
  • Is there a transition you’re afraid/unwilling/not ready to admit?
  • What makes you nervous and lean forward at the same time?

In this first call, we’ll cover some logistics, run through our trigger reframe, and set the container for our journey.

We’ll “transition” with two Somatic practices to wake up our bodies and get a sense of what’s going on. You can use these practices anytime you feel overwhelmed, and they’ll keep you safe and focused as we explore & experiment during this journey.

During a guided visual meditation, you’ll get to feel into your intentions for joining this course by exploring which transition(s) wants to be worked with & what you’re ready to let go off.

We’ll end by sharing some info about our peer learning pods and the focus for the next coming week.


An Introduction to the WaysFinding Framework.

This overview of the framework and approach will feature as a searchlight to find your NEXT.

Even though we’ll only discuss the framework in the second live call, we recommend pages 1-16 and 37-40 as pre-reading material.

There’s no need to answer the questions or draw your WaysFinder yet.

->Download the WaysFinder Framework PDF here->

Introduction to the WaysFinding Framework

The Trigger Reframe

The Somatic WaysFinding Journey is NOT deep shadow work. It’s a slow & soft holding space where you get to meet some COOL meta-skills to help navigate transition, change and well, life.

However, triggers are unavoidable. 
We’ve created a short document to give you more insight into how triggers and conflict can be reframed as important information to pay attention to.

While we want to stress that our goal is not to focus on triggers per se, we felt that this information was important and that you can use it here and in your private and work capacities.

->Download the Trigger Reframe PDF here->

Trigger Reframe


After this first call, we’ll divide you into small peer learning groups of 3 to 4 people, also known as a POD.

You’ll receive an email with your POD details. The PODs are self-organising and meet weekly (you can determine a time slot that best suits you).

We’ll provide you with resources, practices, and experiments that you can explore on your own throughout the journey.

This week, the focus in your PODs is:

  1. Connecting with your POD members for the first time before our 2nd live call on 20 August.
  2. You cannot do WaysFinding on your own. It’s a collective endeavour.
  3. Thinking about the importance of connection and relating.  Your POD will be your “fellowship” over the next few weeks. Please reflect together on these two questions (frame your answers in the context of your intention for joining the journey)
      • Who would I like to be able to be when I am with you?
      • And who would you like to be able to be when you are with me?

A helpful Somatic practice:

  • We recommend the third somatic practice – the threshold practice – on page 4 to help you find clarity on “what wants to be worked with”.

->Download the Somatic Practices PDF here->