Embodied WaysFinding Starts January 22. Click here to learn more
Waysfinder Framework

Week 2: Shaping your WaysFinding field.

Aug 20

3 pm CEST

An Early Arrival

For this call, our invitation is to arrive a few minutes early to allow yourself a conscious transition into our second live session.  You’ll notice that our calendar invite for 20 August starts at 2:55 pm CEST.

You will be admitted straight into the room when you join the gathering.

Please keep your camera off and stay muted until we collectively transition into the call at 3 pm CEST.

While “arriving”, we offer this mantra:

“I’m exactly where I need to be”.

Repeat this mantra to yourself while listening to some music. As you settle into the space, allow its words to gently anchor you in the present moment.

At 3 pm CEST we will turn our cameras on, unmute and transition into our space together.

Call details:

In this second live session, we’ll set the frame and offer the scaffolding of the WaysFinder framework.

We will explore why constraints are important for us in unknown territory, focusing particularly on Direction and Guardrails.

We’ll experiment with a few Somatic practices to get a felt sense of the difference guardrails make, enabling you to move & make first steps EVEN while your direction is unknown.


Pre-reading & questions to answer.

In preparation for this second call, we’d like you to read through the complete WaysFinder Framework workbook.

Plus, answer the Orientation questions (pages 7-10).

NOTE: If you are clear on the transition you want to work with, answer these questions with that transition in mind.  If you’re not completely clear yet, you can answer the questions more generally – the orienting process may help you gain more clarity on where you are and what you want to work with.

When you feel ready, you can also get started with the Direction questions (pages 14-15).

NOTE: If you struggle with the Direction questions, don’t stress. You might be more of a circle and less of a wedge at the moment, and that is OK!  We will work with this on the second call.

->Download the WaysFinder Framework here->

Introduction to the WaysFinding Framework


This week, the focus is:

  1. To create and draw your draft WaysFinder. To do this, we recommend you complete all the questions in the workbook (here’s the link again). You will find a link to a downloadable WaysFinder PDF on page 36.

  2. To experiment with a brand new tool to possibly help you gain clarity (or just a different perspective): Ikigai GPT.
    We’ve chosen this tool to encourage you to bring lightness & playfulness to creating your own WaysFinder.

Somatic Practice: Open Your Heart Space

We recommend that you keep incorporating this somatic expansion practice in your daily routine.

It’s a lovely intentional counter balance to the constricting feelings we often associate with transition, uncertainty and change.

You don’t need to set a lot of time aside for this practice. Simply integrate it in your daily routine, by setting 5 to 10 min aside daily. You can do this practice anytime of the day. Choose a moment where it naturally fits into your routine.

Many of us can often feel a response of shrinking/getting smaller during transition, uncertainty and change.

Take intentional time to find the opposite body expression: expansion.

Find one that works for you:

Stretching, reaching your arms wide, standing tall in a “superman pose”, firmly planting feet on the ground while placing a hand on your heart and using your voice to sing or express yourself.

Or heart openers such as backbends or even the simple practice of rolling your shoulders back and opening through the chest can all be helpful.

Trigger Support:

If you find yourself triggered at any stage, catch it early and play below trigger deconstruction audio to get instant support.

Trigger Deconstruction Audio Recording

Credit: Jenny Remington-Hobbs

->Download the audio here->