Embodied WaysFinding Starts January 22. Click here to learn more

Fellow Humans

Want to know more about the fellow humans that enable me to show up like myself everyday?
Meet them here.


The closest even though I’m holding him at arm’s length at times.

Rooted, firm and patient.

The biggest believer and not too shy to criticise,
Always from love and Philly flavoured.


My daughter Ayla.
Home in her body. 
Perceptive, intuitive and present.
An invaluable advisor.


Known as X.
My wild, mischievous, (“boefie” in Dutch), gentle and traffic light son.
Firmly rooted. 
Here I am. 
Deal with it.


Home in the unspoken and unseen.

The difference that allows me to see myself.

Compelling me to ask again and again:

“What is she seeing?”


Best described as a creative “decoder” who converts feelings into words, processes and products.

Guides with passion for impact around the central question:

“How does what I feel, look like?”