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Why Visibility is an Absurd Phenomenon in Marketing

Why visibility is an absurd phenomenon in marketing.

My clients are largely invisible.
They coach, mentor and facilitate the visible.

They’re visionaries.
Experts in their “thing”.

While they might be invisible here.
They show up every day.
Working “behind the scenes”.

Don’t lose yourself in the visibility thing.
It’s not something you need to be or do.

Rather ask yourself:
Where do I want to go and why?

It’s the first step to attract those people that need your help at that moment.

It might very well, not be here.

And before you know it, you’ll start to see:

  • Others fall in love with what you hold so dearly.
  • The sales that stayed away before.
  • The impact you’d hoped for.


Are you sceptical about setting a direction that magnetically attracts your ideal customers?

Discover how marketing can be(come) that simple 👇

Ideal Customer

You attract the customers that you really want to work with.


You grow confident in creating and expressing yourself authentically.


You grow purposeful in content creation with valuable results and meaningful change for those you serve


You build resilience by focusing on the present, rather than on a desired future.

Be and see

By being the impact you wish to see, you create the impact you embody.


Your business pays you what you want.


  • Plan a call in my online diary (easiest)

  • Or contact me directly on +27 79 256 1595 (a bit of a long shot)

  • Or email me on mirjam@mirjamchristinehope.com 

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