Embodied WaysFinding Starts January 22. Click here to learn more

You’re Not Coca-Cola

And thank goodness for that!

But it’s this very corporate marketing culture that’s (in)forming how most of us show up to marketing.

As an Ex-Microsoft consultant it (in)formed me.

But my perception of marketing shifted gradually, over time, in the most surprising way.

Let me tell you how👇

It dawned on me that more often than not, we perform or actively do marketing that’s informed by corporate marketing culture.

I asked myself, what does marketing feel like to me? How does marketing relate to me? What does marketing look like to me?

The answer that popped up: human.

I guide coaches & social impact entrepreneurs to:

  • Show up like a human being,
  • Meet people that share your passion for life, just as much as you do.
  • Articulate how you can help – in person, in email, on social media – anywhere there are humans.
  • Access a support system so marketing becomes a community effort.
If you’re interested to explore this topic with me let’s connect on a first call.
It’s freee →  obligation free, sales free, free to be! 
Just plan a a call in my online diary 👇
Cultivating value for impact, results and meaningful change

What happens when you market as a human?

Ideal Customer

You attract the customers that you really want to work with.


You grow confident in creating and expressing yourself authentically.


You grow purposeful in content creation with valuable results and meaningful change for those you serve


You build resilience by focusing on the present, rather than on a desired future.

Be and see

By being the impact you wish to see, you create the impact you embody.


Your business pays you what you want.


  • Plan a call in my online diary (easiest)

  • Or contact me directly on +27 79 256 1595 (a bit of a long shot)

  • Or email me on mirjam@mirjamchristinehope.com