Embodied WaysFinding Starts January 22. Click here to learn more
Waysfinder Framework

Week 2: Cultivating your WaysFinding lens.

Tuesday 28 Jan

2 pm CET / 3 pm SAST / 8 am EDT


In this week’s POD, the focus is on creating your draft internal WaysFinder to scaffold the rest of this journey.

You can work with a current transition that feels most alive. A transition that carries a rewilding and re:membering invitation into your NEXT.

Use the WaysFinder Information Booklet and complete the questions to create your boundaried option field.

  • current state (orientation pages 8-10)
  • guardrails 1 & 2 (pages 18-19 & 21-22)
  • direction (any inkling you may have) (pages 15-16)
  • feedback (we’ll return to this again, so just take a first stab) (page 34)

Transfer a summary of your answers over so that you have everything on one page.

Then, draw your WaysFinder (circle or wedge) using this downloadable PDF page right here.

We’ve included two examples:

Share what you are comfortable with in your pod.

  • what did you find easy/hard?
  • encounter any edges?
  • how does it make you feel to see your WaysFinder?


In preparation for this call, we’d like you to map the alive transitions you’re currently experiencing.

These could look different for each of you, but examples might include transitions out of formal employment, shifts between life stages, or changes/growth in spiritual awareness.

There is no right or wrong way to do this.

The aim is to gain more intentional awareness of where you are and what might be calling or inviting you.

A question to hold while doing this is:

Are there rewilding invitations present in the transitions you’re currently experiencing?

A Quick Read

If the zoo jungle analogy resonated, we thought we’d share a piece of writing from a book we both love: Untamed by Glennon Doyle.

Read the short extract here.

Call details:

In this second live session, we’ll continue our dance between inner and outer complexity.

We’ll introduce the concept of Complexity Consciousness and apply the WaysFinder framework as a scaffolding for your inner journey over the next six weeks.

We’ll explore various parts of the WaysFinder that you will be populating to scaffold your journey. 

Where are you now?
What direction feels alive for you as you navigate this path?
What are the guardrails that will support and guide you as you navigate the edges of the unknown?

We’ll revisit the WaysFinder framework later in the journey, applying it to an external situation to deepen your understanding and practice.

It can be helpful to keep the WaysFinder Orientation (pages 7-10) and Direction questions (pages 13-16) close by.

Simply access the WaysFinder Information Booklet below.

->Download the WaysFinder Framework PDF here->


A Daily Expansive Practice

This practice serves as a beautiful intentional counterbalance to the constricting feelings that often accompany transition, uncertainty, and change.

You don’t need to set a lot of time aside for this practice.
integrate it in your daily routine, by setting 5 to 10 min aside daily.
You can do this practice
anytime of the day.
Choose a moment where it
naturally fits into your routine.

Many of us can often feel a response of shrinking/getting smaller during transition, uncertainty and change.

Take intentional time to find the opposite body expression: expansion.

Find one that works for you:

Stretching, reaching your arms wide, standing tall in a “superman pose”, firmly planting feet on the ground while placing a hand on your heart and using your voice to sing or express yourself.

Or heart openers such as backbends or even the simple practice of rolling your shoulders back and opening through the chest can all be helpful.

Trigger Support

If you find yourself triggered at any stage, catch it early and play below trigger deconstruction audio to get instant support.

Trigger Deconstruction Audio Recording

Credit: Jenny Remington-Hobbs

->Download the audio here->