Embodied WaysFinding Starts January 22. Click here to learn more
Reframing resistance

Week 3: Reframing resistance to shift into flow.

Aug 27

3 pm CEST

Call details:

We’ll be opening the call 5 minutes early again, at 14:55. This time, you’re invited to join in movement as we transition into our space together. 

As you enter, cameras will be off, and mics will be muted. A short playlist will guide us in movement, ending around 15:05. When the music fades, we’ll switch on our videos and unmute together.

In this third live session, three volunteers will be given the opportunity to present their draft WaysFinder and receive feedback.  If you’re interested in volunteering, please pop us an email here.

If you’re feeling any resistance to this idea, just be with it with curiosity for now.

Resistance is information … we’ll explore how to work with resistance and shift into flow as part of this session.

We will also touch on how you can implement feedback mechanisms to help you stay on track.

Content & preparation

There’s no pre-reading content for this week.  Just focus on completing your WaysFinder and connecting with your pod.

In preparation for our call on the 27th, please ensure you have a few blank sheets of paper or cards and a few coloured pencils/pens handy.


  • How did resistance show up for you this week? What came up for you during the feedback process?  
  • When you think of moving to action next week, what resistance (if any) shows up? 
  • Consider and discuss how resistance might be linked to fear.

Home Practice:

Something you can try on your own: Whenever fear arises, try exploring it from a different angle.  How might our resistance and fear be information that could guide us to our desires and longings?
We’ve included a fear-flipping exercise for you to use.

Extra (completely optional):

We spotted this lovely creative practice called “drama doodling”.

It is a playful exercise that combines image and text, art and impulse. It taps into a mindful state to invite focus, clarity and truth. 

It’s a great way to engage with the transition “that wants to be worked with” and your WaysFinder in a more playful, creative and lighthearted manner. 

You can find more info & a detailed step-by-step approach here.

We are more real in our simple wish to find a way, more than any destination we could ever reach. 

— David Whyte