Embodied WaysFinding Starts January 22. Click here to learn more
Expanding your frontier

Week 5: Expanding Your Frontier.

Call details:

In this live session, we’ll explore how to expand into new frontiers and dive deeper into the underlying WaysFinding skills (STAR), i.e. the skills that will help you dance at your edges and stretch into the unknown.  

Content & Preparation

There is no pre-reading content or preparation for this call.

But we’ll start with a little experiment:).


This week in your pods, we would like you to practise “frontier conversations” i.e. conversations with the Unknown by facilitating a conversation for each other using the steps below.

How it works:

Step 1: Visualization to Set the Scene

Before you begin, start with a short visualisation together in your whole POD group:

  • Imagine yourself sitting beside a fire, somewhere in a beautiful and expansive place outdoors.
  • This is the edge of your frontier, where the known gives way to the unknown.
  • Across from you sits the “unknown,” imagined as a person or a relatable presence. You are in conversation with this unknown entity.

Hold this image in your mind as you prepare to pair up and have your conversations.

Step 2: Pair Up

  • You will work in pairs*. One person will be the Star (interviewer), and the other will be the Wayfinder (interviewee).
  • Decide who will be in pairs and who will start in the role of the Star (interviewer).
  • If you’re only 3 in your POD this week, pick the 3rd person as a Witness to join you and switch this role for the second conversation.

Step 3: Start your Conversation

  • Start your first conversation (5 min). 
  • After 5 minutes, switch roles so you both get a chance to be the Star and the Wayfinder.

Step 4: Guiding Questions

During your conversation with the Unknown, choose one or two of the questions below to explore:

  • What is asking for your deeper attention right now?
  • What wants to be said from within?
  • What can you say with absolute certainty?
  • What is the question that, all along, you have dared not ask?
  • What long-held promise do you need to break in your life right now?
  • What if all your intuitions were true?

Step 5: Reflection and Debrief

Once all pairs have completed their conversations, return to the main POD group and take some time to reflect as a group:

  • What was it like to be in conversation with the unknown?
  • Did anything surprise you?
  • What did you sense or become aware of?
  • Is there anything you feel called to respond to?
“Maybe WayFinding is an activity that confronts us with the marvellous fact of being in the world, requiring us to look up and take notice …calling us to renew our species’ love affair with freedom, exploration, and place.”  

M.R. O’Connor